
Written By: Cristina Mardirossian
May 23, 2024

Brainspotting & IFS with Stephanie Gross

In my practice, I have grown to love weaving the modalities of Brainspotting and Internal Family Systems together to help clients process deep wounds of trauma. Brainspotting intensives offer extended periods of time to create a safe environment for clients to have enough space and time to process their deepest traumas, shift the nervous system into calmer states, release limiting beliefs, and lean into preferred states of being (ie: peace, joy,creativity). 

Brainspotting intensives are a half day (4 hours) of trauma processing that span from 1-3 days. Time can be adjusted depending on a client’s needs and availability. 

To learn more about Stephanie, click here.

Brainspotting intensives can be beneficial to 

  1. Clients seeking adjunct trauma services to their talk therapy sessions. An intensive can help clients gain a deeper awareness of their experiences and safely process more of their trauma at once which will help talk therapy to be more effective. 
  2. Clients whose schedules do not allow for weekly therapy. Intensives dedicate more time in 1-3 days to dive deeper into trauma work that a weekly 50-minute session just can’t offer.
  3. Clients looking to save time and money by safely processing trauma using the power of Brainspotting and IFS. Traditional therapy can often take months to years to achieve the same goals compared to the cost of a 1-3 day intensive. 

Brainspotting & IFS intensive process

Intake and Treatment Plan

  1. Uncover all therapeutic goals you have for your life
  2. Thorough timeline of all disturbing or traumatic experiences from childhood through present time
  3. Assess every negative belief you have about yourself
  4. List of positive client resources (spirituality, nature, family, ancestors, mentors)
  5. Identify desired states of being (joy, peace, connection, hope, openness)
  6. Assess client strengths
  7. Establish most important individualized goals
  8. Create a tailored treatment plan that is measurable and specific to your needs

Process trauma(s) and self-limiting beliefs

  1. Process and release the experiences that have caused suffering
  2. Experience deep brain, nervous system, and emotional regulation 
  3. Process and clear limiting beliefs that you have been programmed to believe
  4. Uncover and heal burdened parts of yourself and process legacy burdens passed down from your family
  5. Reveal your True Self using Internal Family Systems concept of Self-energy – compassion – curiosity – clarity – creativity – calm – confidence – courage – connectedness – presence – patience – perspective – persistence – playfulness

Expansion Brainspotting

After processing limiting beliefs and trauma(s), there is more space in an individual’s system to

  1. Retrieve lost parts of yourself.
  2. Expand desired states of being (ie, present, connected, calm).
  3. Strengthen positive self-beliefs.
  4. Reach any performance goals you have (music, arts, organization, fitness/sports).
  5. Connect to the truth of the goodness inherent in your soul, “Soul Spotting.”
  6. Deepen your connection to your heart, body, and intuition, and discover self-compassion and self-love.

One 50min follow-up integration session 1-2 weeks post-intensive

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