Wounded Parts

Written By 

Cristina Mardirossian

Here are some signs that show up that tell us when a younger part is still carrying a wound:

  1. Fear of being abandoned 
  2. Fear of being left or forgotten 
  3. Difficulty forming healthy relationships 
  4. Difficulty setting healthy boundaries 
  5. Turns externally to others for approval or validation
  6. Struggles with low self-esteem
  7. Represses emotions 
  8. Dissociation

Remember, any form of intensity means we are tapping into the emotions and sensations of a younger part. We can bring in our grounded adult part(s) who have “self-energy” to comfort these younger parts.

“Self-energy” is an IFS (Internal Family Systems) term that means we are in our adult self, from a place of curiosity, compassion, calmness, clarity, confidence, courage, creativity, and connectedness (also known as the 8C’s).

When in “self-energy,” we can make space for our parts but not be overwhelmed or blended with them. We can take a step back, acknowledge the parts of us communicating an old wound, and hold space for them. “Self-energy” allows us to slow down, take a breath, and notice what is showing up. 

Healing is possible.

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