Welcome to Pasadena Trauma Therapy, Inc., where we extend our expertise in trauma therapy beyond the therapy room through specialized speaking engagements and training for mental health professionals. Led by Cristina Mardirossian, LMFT, our comprehensive training sessions cover a variety of settings, including group practices, mental health clinics, rehabs, educational institutions, and professional conferences.

Speaking Engagements

Workshops & Speaking Engagements for Therapists

By Cristina Mardirossian, LMFT

We are dedicated to enhancing practitioners’ skills in dealing with complex trauma cases. We employ innovative methods such as Brainspotting, Internal Family Systems (IFS), and somatic interventions tailored to meet your organization’s specific needs.

  1. Group practices
  2. Mental health clinics/agencies
  3. Rehabs
  4. PHP/IOP centers
  5. Annual conferences
  6. Graduate programs

Cristina provides training for mental health professionals from different organizations, clinics, associations, etc., on topics related to Trauma. She can customize trainings, workshops, and presentations, as well as the length of each training, to be tailored to your organization’s needs.

Pasadena Trauma Therapy, Inc. is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) to sponsor continuing education for MFTs, LCSWs, and LPCCs. Pasadena Trauma Therapy, Inc. maintains responsibility for any program/course and its content.

  1. Working with Trauma and the Body
  2. Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder Part I
  3. Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder Part II: Treating Ritual Abuse
  4. Working with Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors (from a Structural Dissociation Perspective)/Parts Work

Cristina also provides case consultation for group practices that want to learn a different approach when working with trauma survivors. Prior consultation groups have included, but are not limited to:

  1. Applying the structural dissociation model/parts work/IFS to conceptualizing trauma symptoms.
  2. Providing psychoeducation on the dissociative spectrum and how to assess dissociation properly.
  3. Addressing how to properly apply EMDR techniques when working with CPTSD and dissociative clients.
  4. Applying somatic interventions- such as working with posture, gestures, movements, and the five senses- when trauma is stuck in the body.
  5. Utilizing Brainspotting in combination with parts work.
  6. How to work with flight, fight, freeze, and fawn responses.
  7. Providing psychoeducation on Trauma Therapy Stage 1 Stabilization, using somatic interventions in combination with parts work.
  8. How to help clients when they are dissociating, having flashbacks/are in a somatic memory.
  9. Psychoeducation and interventions when working with sexual abuse survivors.

Training can be uniquely tailored to what your team/organization needs. Schedule a consultation for more details.

Contact us

Schedule a Speaking Engagement with Cristina Mardirossian

Contact us today to conduct training for mental health professionals in your organization or clinic.