Breaking Free from People-Pleasing

Written By 

Cristina Mardirossian

What often starts as a coping mechanism in childhood to gain approval or avoid conflict can evolve into a pattern that negatively impacts our mental and physical well-being.

Here’s how people-pleasing might be affecting you:

~Emotional Drain: Constantly seeking to please others can leave you feeling exhausted and emotionally drained. Your needs and boundaries often take a backseat.

~Stress & Anxiety: Trying to meet everyone’s expectations can lead to overwhelming stress and anxiety. The fear of disappointing others can keep you on edge.

~Physical Impact: Stress from people-pleasing doesn’t just affect your mind; it can impact your physical health too, potentially leading to issues like chronic fatigue or tension headaches.

~Loss of Self: In the quest to make others happy, you might lose touch with your own values and desires. It’s crucial to reconnect with what truly matters to you.

Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your own well-being and set healthy boundaries. Reclaiming your space and practicing self-care is not selfish—it’s essential. Let’s support each other in moving away from people-pleasing and towards a life where our needs and well-being are valued. ❤️

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